Become A Better Version Of Yourself With Hypnosis - 414-939-6574
Integrative Hypnosis LLC.
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Office: 414-939-6574

Think Yourself to Better Golf with Hypnosis

Ok, so you’ve purchased the golf clubs that are scientifically proven to help you hit the ball straighter and farther. You’ve taken lessons to fine tune your swing and have noticed some improvement, but you’re not even remotely close to playing the game you know you can play. If only you could be mentally calmer, more focused, and more in control. Tapping into the mental part of the game that takes you from average to amazing. Finding that missing puzzle piece that gets you from your current level of play to the next level.

What if the missing puzzle piece had to do with tapping into the subconscious part of the mind? Using relaxation and visualization to help you accomplish your desired outcome? Using hypnosis to significantly improve your mental and physical game?

Jack Nicklaus strongly believes in hypnotherapy and has used it himself to improve his level of concentration during golf tournaments. Jason Day, after two major tournament losses, the 2015 US Open and the 2015 British Open, worked with a hypnotherapist and inevitably won the PGA championship in 2015. Many professional athletes work with hypnotherapists and sports psychologists to help gain an edge on their competition.

Most of our habits are subconsciously programmed, even unwanted habits and behaviors we feel we have no control over. Working with the subconscious to re-frame and re-pattern unwanted thoughts and behaviors that no longer work for you can have a positive impact on your game.

While many athletes seek my services to help improve their mental game and stay calm while under pressure, hypnosis can also be used to improve other areas of your life. Many clients come to see me for weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, pain reduction, confidence enhancement, test anxiety, nail biting, career enhancement, and other every day issues.

I invite you to call for your free consultation and to experience hypnosis for yourself. See what hypnosis can do for you.

Imagine the possibilities! Call 414-939-6574 for your private consultation.